While dealing with children we adults need to be innovative in all matters related to them.  Suppose the child wants to celebrate his birthday, there is no point in ordering the same ol’ cake and mini pizzas and calling the same group of friends; remember he’s grown bigger and his friends group have changed also, so plan accordingly!


Also, throwing money and celebrating a program is not only a bad idea, its also showing the wrong values to the child.

So, how do we plan with all our work- load at home and office? It is best to talk to the child and find out his views on the subject and then plan well ahead of the special day.


It is not only for celebrations, innovative method of dealing with them can extend to all areas related to kids. In case you know  you are going to be held up in office, instead of just telling them to finish their home work at home, you could set up a word game which they could finish after their home-work and anxiously wait for the results and the prize!


As children are growing up and taking different stages in their life, we also have to be aware of these and make our ways more interesting and innovative for us to be in touch with the reality around.